A selection of articles that may be of interest. Including ride reports, tips and tricks and bike maintenance.
Who was he?
Too many accidents make the headlines
A Tale of Yesteryear from Graham Ross
Motorsport NZ Award
No under 25s - bikes that is
Can you ride 61km @ 160km/hour?
Adam Worsley - Creative recycler
Trimph Trophy 1969
look after your investment
Memories of a Despatch Rider
George Jones
51st Traverse
Charity Ride
Tour of Rajasthan
What are they?
4 Clues:
70 Years Young
Who says bikes don't fly !
The Bike - Plane Connection
Tauranga Motorcycle Club 1949 - 2009
Breeding ground of Champions
At the Top of the Extreme
What do our guys have to do?
Trials MX Mix
The rocks keep rolling
A Word from Whibley
Maddix Park - the place to practice
Tauranga Motorcycle Club 1949-2009
Breeding Ground of Champions
By Grant Draper
Motocross bikes get a hammering at the best of times ...
By Tom Stark
Before you go to a race you must be in good physical shape ...
Showing 76 -
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