TMCC is 60
Tauranga Motorcycle Club 1949-2009

2009 was the 60th anniversary of the Tauranga Motorcycle Club. Prior to the December prize-giving, a brief history of the club was given and then life member Margaret Dean cut a cake in honour of the occasion.
The club began in 1949 as a direct result of a problem - boy racers. Same problem as today you will be thinking. Yes, except that in 1949 they were on motorbikes and they weren’t called boy racers, they were called hoons and they did their hooning on the gravel roads around the district and, in particular, Joyce Road in Pyes Pa.
The club was very supportive of government initiatives in the 1950s and encouraged its members to wear helmets when riding on the open road. (Please be assured that the club was much less pro-active this year regarding the issue of increased ACC levies for motorcycles).
To be continued...