Trials Champs Return to Australia
FIM Trails World Championship 2014

2014 FIM Trials World Championship to take place in Australia in April
The best trials riders in the world will descend upon Mt Tarrengower near Maldon, Victoria on April 12-13 to take part in the 2014 FIM Trails World Championship.
The two-day event took place at the same location in 2012, and was deemed a huge success.
A one-day pass for an adult costs $25, and a two-day pass costs $40. A youth one-day pass costs $15, and children under the age of 10 can enter for free.
And when you purchase a ticket to attend the event, you’ll automatically go into the draw to win a brand new 2014 KTM 250 Freeride!
To find more information on the event, and to purchase a ticket, click here.